Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 29 - Still Feeling Great!

Even though my throat is a little sore and my nose is a little stuffy.. I haven't been sick as much as usual by a long shot. Yes, I am taking supplements and lots and lots of antioxidants.. (Xango, Xocai, etc).. but I think the kefir and the hair analysis diet have a lot to do with it as well.

Today I had my usual 2 pieces of multigrain toast and 2 scrambled eggs, but I felt like that was too much toast, so from now on I'm only going to have 1 piece.

I took all my supplements (which I forgot to do yesterday)....

I have felt quite thirsty today, so I am drinking tons of water!

Will have a banana in a minute. Actually I had 2 small ones :)

I also had a bit of roasted chicken breast, kousa (like zucchini), and the outsides of some more stuffed peppers and kousa (she didn't get it yesterday when I returned all of the rice stuffing uneaten.. ) and 'nother banana :) :)

For a super late lunch I had the outside of a baked potato with steak and salad with Italian dressing.

Overall delicious... later I had kefir and pumpkin seeds and raisins. That's all!

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