Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 19 Hair Analysis Dietary Regimen

Today I'm still fairly depressed about the possible diagnosis but I'm starting to feel slightly more in a fighting mood. And, no matter what they say I will NOT take their steroids or anything else. I'll get herbs, drink kefir, and deal with it. Too bad.

Breakfast is scrambled eggs and brown toast.

Later 2 small bananas are great.

Plain meatballs with two pieces of brown sourdough bread are delicious. I have tabbouleh, but I'm not going to eat it probably, because of the colon problem, although, I'm really hungry, so if I get to the point of starvation, then I'll eat a little of it. I did.. and now my abdomen is killing me. Oh well.

Sunflower seeds...

I should have brought some kefir with me today, but I forgot. Oh well.

I just realized that I say Oh well a lot. Oh well :)

I ate kubba burghul for a late lunch

and steak, lobster, baked potato, and salad for dinner and iced tea. Super Yummy!!!!

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